
Major Purposes of Retaining Walls

Basically, a retaining wall is intended to hold back the soil. Sure, this may seem to be a simple concept, however, you should never allow this to trick you. In fact, retaining walls are quite beautiful engineering pieces. Moreover, they have been utilized even during ancient times to boost and enhance the aesthetics, productivity, and usefulness of several property types. For you to know in full detail about these mentioned retaining wall purposes, read on this article: 

Easy maintenance 

It’s much easier to keep up a flat area compared to have to plant, mow, or prune a slope. Moreover, they give a natural separation among beds and turf. Eventually, such easy to maintain features can help you save a great amount of money from the landscape maintenance expenses.  

Hold back water 

Some function to secure the shore from being eroded, to prevent the shoreline from shifting, or to make a docking or harbor area for boats. Though never forget that permitting requirements will also be needed for this.  

Enhance site drainage 

Occasionally, a block retaining wall Glendale can extremely be useful if you want to direct water on a property. Moreover, they are usually utilized to address slope problems close to bodies of water.  

If you’re thinking about constructing one for this purpose, you should know that several state and local regulations need to be adhered to. It would be best to know what permitting requirements you should have before even beginning to work on your project’s design.  

Give accessibility to handicapped 

Usually, retaining walls are utilized to make slightly inclined ramps for wheelchair access. 

Make a useful slope 

In several areas all over the globe, the entire mountainsides are divided into several steps that are supported by a series of retaining walls. This method is known as terracing, which makes it more useful farmland as it transforms too steep lands to develop crops.  

Not only are the farmers the ones who can take advantage of terracing, In fact, but you can use this method on your commercial properties as well. Terracing can help avoid erosion on steep areas, making a steep landscape a lot simpler and cheaper to maintain. Moreover, terracing can be utilized to make pedestrian access on a slope or to transition a grade.  

Make a flat space 

Compared to a steep slope, flat ground is nearly almost more useful. Retaining walls can transform a slope into a level and flat space. This can possibly let those structures that could not be constructed on a particular property, such as building, sports field, or a parking lot to be constructed with a new flat area.  

Enhance the aesthetics of a property 

Retaining walls can be a highly sophisticated and appealing feature you can add to your property to improve its aesthetic. An architectural, curvilinear retaining wall could look great all by itself. Incorporate a set of stairs or two, appropriate plantings, and landscape lighting, and your property will be the talk of the town.